When you read up on goal setting you will find many an article will recommend working backwards from your end goal. This will involve breaking down a big goal into lots of smaller goals / milestones.
Another aspect of goal setting you will find in most literature is the importance of being SPECIFIC. So it’s time to put on your glasses and pull your pants up over your belly button, the method of working backwards from a specific data based goal, especially when you have a reliable data set, is next level!!
When you have a reliable set of conversion rates and you set a goal, working backwards will give you an exact number of contacts that you need to make at the beginning of your sales or recruitment process to bring this goal to reality.
Let’s have a look at an example:
In a way it is ‘breaking down’ the goal into smaller goals, as when you spread the number across the time frame, it will be clear what needs to be done on a daily/weekly basis for this goal to happen. This will also make clear whether in fact you have set a realistic goal. If the number at the top of the process doesn’t seem achievable, then unless you significantly improve the conversion rates, you will not achieve your goal.
The general expected trajectory of the company is that the conversion rates will improve. Rather than setting your goals based on hope – set a realistic goal based on fact – to ensure that you aren’t going backwards, then set a stretch goal based on a realistic improvement of specific conversion rates that you are working to improve.
An unattainable goal can do more harm than good.
If you are always setting goals that are out of reach, your team will lose heart and constantly feel they aren’t good enough. Instead give them a taste of achievement and a confidence boost every time they achieve a goal.
TO PROSPER: Use data alongside goal setting for extra clarity. When the team knows exactly how many people they need to speak to, the pressure of ‘performing’ will be removed, as they just have to focus on the process.
Hopefully you have had a couple of lightbulb moments in reading this. There is always more that can be done to improve business, it’s just up to you to put in the work and follow through.
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