Case Studies from our legacy clients that have been with Outcomes Tracking from launch day, and have helped it to develop into the platform you see today.

Sam Wicks


Outcomes Tracking has had a significant impact on my ability to manage effectively by providing an instant and real-time view of my sales team’s customer interactions. This has allowed me to respond faster and more accurately to any KPIs that need improvement or attention.

My favourite feature of Outcomes Tracking is the ability to customise the view of the data. Being able to look at the results of the entire team or specific individuals makes it clear and easy to address any strengths or weaknesses that need attention.

Andrew White


Outcomes has been the missing piece of the puzzle for us, it has seen us tighten up our game in a lot of key areas resulting in an immediate improvement!

The best thing about Outcomes Tracking is the truthfulness of data it provides us with, so we can then train our team on specific and relevant topics relating to the individuals needs.

Andrew White


Outcomes has been the missing piece of the puzzle for us, it has seen us tighten up our game in a lot of key areas resulting in an immediate improvement!

The best thing about Outcomes Tracking is the truthfulness of data it provides us with, so we can then train our team on specific and relevant topics relating to the individuals needs.

Patricia Cureses


We have been using Outcomes Tracking for almost a year in our 3 locations – Canberra, Wollongong and Auckland. The app has allowed us to tailor our sales training closer to the individual’s needs, manage our turf allocation effectively and ultimately increase sales averages.

The support team at Outcomes Tracking are super responsive and always looking to evolve the app which makes working with them an absolute pleasure to do business with.



Outcomes Tracking allows me to have a live up-to date understanding of my teams performance when I can’t be next to them and also allows me to share with them information I gather that can then in return help their performance.

The data collated, for example objection reasons, is an amazing feature that allows me to review the issues the team face most on the field day to day. The data enables me to figure out ways to train the team to overcome these objections.



Having a tool to drill down on areas of improvement has been absolutely game changing.

I love having the visibility of my teams performance in specific areas to I can target my training to the individual.

Libby Mooney


I love it how Outcomes Tracking helps me to hold my team accountable when they don’t know or can’t see where they’re going wrong. Being able to see my teams data real time means I can be proactive in the support I provide.



Outcomes Tracking has allowed me to see what it is that I need to focus on each day which has resulted in higher results with less time on the field.

I love the layout – so easy to use.



Outcomes Tracking helps me to keep track of my numbers more clearly and I love that it is timestamped, so I can see when I last pitched and how long between sales. Being able to review the statistics over flexible time periods is awesome.



Outcomes Tracking has supported my approach to sales by providing data which is extremely valuable in finding trends, making it easy to know what step of the sales process to focus on & improve.

Being able to track team data in real time is by far my favourite feature.



Outcomes Tracking has created a more calculated and certain approach to my day. Knowing my data means I know my input goals for the day to reach my targets. I love that I can see reasons for a certain interactions and why they happened but also having the team data to be able to properly manage my team and know how their tracking for their goals.